Royal Commission for Riyadh City - » Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road Development Project Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road Development Project |

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road Development Project

In order to ease southbound and northbound traffic in Riyadh, the Royal Commission for Riyadh City developed a section of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road between intersections with King Abdullah Road and King Salman Road.

Integrated Vision

Project Phases

Project Phases

RCRC carried out the project in two phases:

  • Phase One: A 2.7-km-long section between the intersection with King Abdullah Road and intersection with Imam Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Road.
  • Phase Two: A 6-km-long section between the intersection with Prince Mohammed bin Salman Road and intersection with King Salman Road.

The development project for Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road in the north direction is an extension of southern section of the same road carried out by RCRC across Riyadh Airbase at an intersection with Al-Orouba Road (Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz Square).

The northern parts of the project integrate with the southern part of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road at its intersections with Makkah Road and Salahuddin Ayyubi Road, which was also carried out by the RCRC.

Phase One

Design of a bridge at Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road

Design of a bridge at Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road


Phase I works included:

  • Rehabilitation of the road into a 60-meter-wide road to allow continuous traffic flow.
  • A 579-meter-long flyover to accommodate south-north traffic at the Road’s intersection with Imam Saud Bin Abdulaziz Bin Muhammed Road.
  • Completion of the works of the main road and its façades.
  • Completion of two pedestrian bridges equipped with four elevators serving the disabled and the elderly.

Phase Two

Design of a pedestrian bridge at Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road

Design of a pedestrian bridge at Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road

Phase II works included.

Design of a pedestrian bridge at Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road

Design of a pedestrian bridge at Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road

  • Three bridges for cars (600-900 meters long) to allow northbound and southbound movement on intersections of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road with King Salman Road, Al-Thumamah Road, and Anas bin Malik Road.
  • All works necessary for the main road and the 60-meter-wide service roads.
  • A 968-meter-long continuous flow intersection at Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road’s junction with King Salman Road.
  • Three pedestrian bridges equipped with 6 elevators serving the disabled and the elderly.
  • 20 esthetic arches at the intersession plaza.
  • Open spaces to facilitate pedestrian crossing.
  • A 1-km-long tunnel on Anas Bin Malik Road’s intersection with Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road.

Both phases included the following:

  • Diverting the existing service networks interfering with the project works.
  • Implementing service networks compatible with the road’s new levels and design (drinking water network, flood drainage network, sewerage, and irrigation system).
  • Supplying the necessary communication, lighting, electric and power systems.
  • Use of the recycled water for sustainable environment-friendly irrigation.

A key focus of the project was to facilitate pedestrian movement and enhance overall connectivity. Therefore, the road has 1.5- and 3.40-meter-wide sidewalks on both sides with ramps and 84 parking spaces reserved for the people with disabilities. In addition, over 340 palm trees and 1850 trees were planted to reduce pollution, add an aesthetic touch and create enough shaded areas.

LED lights were also used at entrances, exits and curves for improved safety. The road also accommodates 26 bus stops (of King Abdul Aziz Project for Public ‎Transport ‎in Riyadh).

Advanced Control and Safety Systems

Traffic management system control room for the extension project of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq and Al-Orouba Roads Across Riyadh Airbase

Traffic management system control room for the extension project of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq and Al-Orouba Roads Across Riyadh Airbase

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Road was equipped with a traffic management system linked to the control system installed along the section of the road crossing Riyadh Airbase. Also, control and surveillance systems (66 CCTV cameras, 96 AID cameras and 36 traffic cameras) are installed along the project.

The road also has integrated signage system with a total of 43 boards, 18 electronic boards and 22 AAS boards.

The road is environmentally sustainable and constructed with rubber asphalt, which absorbs rainwater and decreases run-off.